it was my birthday week last week! and i'm so excited, i've never felt like i was my age, i've always felt a good few years older than i am so telling people i'm 20 has never quite sounded right in my head, i'm finally hitting the big 21. so last weekend i got my present from G and we headed off on the train to York for the weekend! G was pretty good at keeping a secret as i literally had no idea what we were doing for my birthday until he told, which is pretty impressive i'm good at guessing surprises! i've never been to York before so it was exciting getting to visit a new place with G, we've been thinking about travelling so much more recently. our honeymoon plans are an insane road trip around south west america and grows overtime we think about it again. i want to take every opportunity to travel and make memories with my love so we're taking every opportunity to see the world no matter how close. York is only an hour away on the train so it's not too far from home but such a pretty place to visit. on saturday the weather was beautiful sunshine and we soaked it up in the park, it was definitely sandals weather and i've been whipping out my
Saltwater sandals at every occasion. (they're super comfy and perfect- expect a review soon!). the museum gardens are b-e-a-utiful! and with all the sun I made them such a lovely place to sit for the afternoon. we also did some birthday shopping!! so exciting! i finally took the plunge and got some Levis i've been eyeing them up for ages and i'd tried them on a few months back, when we saw the shop i decided to pop in a try them on again and was tipped into buying them by the 20% student discount (yay). we browsed around a few more shops as well and got some little bits and pieces. i loved Gap and managed to get the perfect denim shirt in the sale, i've been hunting down one i liked for ages. we stayed the night at
The Windmill, which is about 10 minutes drive from York city centre and was so cozy. plus i love having a cooked breakfast in the morning (and not having to cook it). sunday was a lot wetter and it was cold and drizzly all day, unfortunately i had only brought sandals with me as so my feet got a little wet. my inner crafter was intrigued by the quilt museum but thought that G might not appreciate it.

then this weekend after a few days of workin, we headed over to Carlisle to visit with my fam! lux came with us and loved her best friend Rommel, our families dog and she followed him round all weekend chasing him. my mama made the most incredible ombre layer cake which tasted so good and looked super cool! she never fails to surprise me in how generous and amazing she is. i have the cutest little cousins! they've both grown up so much since i saw them last and lead me around the whole house searching for cats to stroke. they're gonna be the sweetest and funnest girlies! i had the loveliest weekend catching up with all my sweet family and friends, i am so lucky and blessed to have such amazing people around and supporting me.